EMAC Resources Hub
Comprehensive tools, templates, and guides to support EMAC operations and coordination.
General EMAC Resources
Your EMAC Account
Update your name, address, username, and password.
Your EMAC Springboard
Access EMAC's Systems and Tools (availability based upon your permissions).
Learn How EMAC Works
Explore the 5 phases of the EMAC process.
What is MASS?
Free online database for you to store your Mission Ready Packages.
Reimbursement & Financial Tools
EMAC Reimbursement
Learn about EMAC reimbursement and access job aids and other guidance.
EMAC Eligible Expenses Guide
Learn which expenses are eligible, ineligible, or negotiable and how they must be documented.
EMAC FAQs for Auditors
Answers to some frequently asked questions for finance personnel.
Advance of EMAC Reimbursement
Based on the 2021 NEMA survey, this document reviews some best practices for advancing payments to Resource Providers.
Mission Ready Packages
Mission Ready Package (MRP) resources provide standardized templates, guidance, and workshops to help emergency managers and resource providers develop, organize, and deploy capabilities quickly and effectively during emergencies.
MRP Resources Page
Tools to ensure resources are mission-specific, cost-estimated, and ready for rapid deployment.
Mission Ready Package Development Workshop
All the tools you need to conduct a Mission Ready Package Workshop for Resource Providers.

Guides and Templates
EMAC SOG: Deploying Personnel & Resource Providers
Standard Operating Guidelines for Resource Providers & Deployed Personnel
EMAC Code of Conduct Template
Many states utilize a code of conduct, requiring all personnel deploying on the mission to sign it prior to deployment. Download the template code of conduct you can customize and use.
Personnel Accountability Reporting (PAR) Template
Many states require Deployed Personnel to check in daily with their home state emergency management agency through Personnel Accountability Reporting (PAR). Some states use Survey123 to gather feedback and address potential issues. Download the PAR template.
EMAC Reception Centers
A template for efficiently processing and tracking the arrivals and departures of personnel and resources.
EMAC Tips for Public Information Officers
A quick primer on EMAC for PIOs with tips for press releases, and more.
Model Intrastate Legislation
Model intrastate mutual aid language.
Exercises & Preparedness
EMAC Exercise Tools
Tools and injects for you to integrate EMAC into exercises.
After Action Reports
EMAC After Action Reports, hotwashes, and more.
FEMA Mutual Aid Resources
Links to FEMA resources such as NIMS, the RTLT, training, and more.
Specialized Use Cases
Maximizing EMAC's Flexibility
Discover innovative ways to leverage EMAC beyond traditional emergency management. From deploying private sector resources and utilizing telehealth solutions to integrating tribal partnerships, these resources showcase how EMAC adapts to meet diverse and evolving needs.
Deploying Private Sector via EMAC
Learn how private sector and volunteer resources may be deployed through EMAC.
Using EMAC for Telehealth
EMAC offers the critical benefit of license reciprocity, enabling seamless collaboration across states and territories. Learn how EMAC can be used for telehealth.
Tribal - EMAC Integration
A frequent question, can tribal resources be deployed through EMAC. Learn how.