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As states consider ways to increase their disaster response/recovery resource inventories, NEMA is releasing a new report on innovations and best practices in deploying private sector and volunteer resources through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). In partnership with the Stephenson Disaster Management Institute (SDMI), NEMA conducted a survey on these issues and received responses from 43 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Detailed follow-up interviews were conducted with 16 states. The report focuses on gaining insight into the experiences of states that have used the EMAC process to deploy private sector and volunteer resources to states with specific needs requested through EMAC.  These states provided a wealth of information regarding their experiences, capabilities and concerns in deploying private sector and volunteer resources. This report provides specific examples of solutions that can be replicated in other states interested in building these capabilities.

The following documents are being released as part of the NEMA study:

Deploying Private Sector Through EMAC


EMAC Case Study North Carolina (Short Version)

Size: 1.99 MB
Date added: 2019-10-02
Date modified: 2019-10-02

EMAC Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Size: 4.10 MB
Date added: 2019-10-02
Date modified: 2019-10-02

Sample Intergovernmental Agreement Between Non-Governmental and Tribal Organizations

Size: 343.55 KB
Date added: 2019-10-02
Date modified: 2019-10-02

EMAC Private Sector and Volunteer Resources Analysis

Size: 1.85 MB
Date added: 2019-10-02
Date modified: 2019-10-02

NEMA would like to thank the states and territories that participated in the survey effort and a special thanks to those that agreed to follow-up interviews.  NEMA also thanks SDMI for the great work they did with conducting the study and producing the report. 

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