Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enroll in an EMAC Course?
Verify you are logged into the EMAC website and eLearning center by looking at the top right of the screen to seei f it prompts you to login.
Once you enter a course, you have the option to enroll in it.
If you need additional support, please submit a Support Ticket.
Note: The EMAC A-Team course is restricted and you must be nominated by your state EMAC Coordinator and enrolled by NEMA to have access to this course.
How can I learn more about EMAC?
Do I have permission to use the EMAC logo?
I completed an online course but when I go back into it, my progress was not saved.
Must the governor do an emergency declaration in order for the state to utilize EMA resources?
Is there a registration cost with EMAC?
How do I update my state information on the EMAC website?
Is there an EMAC glossary?